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Product & Service Evaluation and Monitoring
User monitor reports can be published
using newspapers, magazines, home pages, brochures, pamphlets etc.
Vision Quest can cover the following areas.
- Monitor project planning.
- Office function for running the program (includes
recruiting monitor companies, managing the application process,
selecting suitable candidates).
- Technical support for the monitor.
- Interview on the monitor's evaluation.
- Monitor report.
- Arrangements for publication of the monitor
report, scheduling and management.
- HP OpenView ManageX Monitor
The objective of this program was to conduct an
initial "client" evaluation prior to deploying the product.
The monitor evaluated HP OpenView ManageX for Windows NT and related
training courses. The monitor period was approximately 2 months.
- Open System Ready! Monitor
"Open System" is the keyword for this
project developed by The Japan Industrial Journal to help build
user based IT systems. Vision Quest's project office provided
the basis for the program the key features of which are as follows.
- Hardware and software are combined as the optimal
system to help the monitor's business.
- This open system is actually deployed at the
monitor company.
- The monitor company gets to use the open system
for free for 3 months for evaluation purposes.
- The monitor process and evaluation is covered
by specialist staff in order to create an evaluation report.
The evaluation report is divided into and presented in 2 parts
- "Implementation" and "Utilisation". Vision
Quest provides an additional "Consultant Comment" inset